“はじめて”から“エキスパート”まで8つのステップ (Eng move for ↓↓↓)
国内外問わず、統一した技術習得のため、各コースはキット化された材料( komorebi キット)を使用します。C1からスタートし、徐々にステップアップし、最終的にC8を達成された方はkomorebi, Harajuku, Tokyo (以下kHT)の師範と認定されます。なおC3またはC5まで到達されていれば、途中に長いお休みがあっても、次回その続きから継続ができます。
- 教室や出張指導をされる場合: kHTのコース(C1~C8)を導入し、komorebi キットを使用して運営される場合はkHTの認定教室とさせていただきます。またその教室でC8まで到達された生徒様はkHTの師範と認定されます。 ( komorebi キットは師範特別価格で卸します。)
- 創作作品に関して: 優秀な作品は、 kHTの運営する水引サイトで作品の紹介や販売を国内外で代行させて頂いたり、またkHTの実店舗にて展示販売をさせていただきます (販売手数料を売り上げから頂戴します)。
【ワークショップ運営者】komorebi, HARAJUKU, TOKYO代表
資格:ISGB (米国国際グラスビーズ学会)所属、学芸員資格、美術検定1級、通訳案内士、美術品商、古物商
【Workshop Steps】
8 Steps from “Introductory” to “Expert”
Eight steps (C1~C8) are prepared to learn the minimum basic skills required to create original mizuhiki works and to teach in mizuhiki classes.
To unify the technique obtained in and outside of Japan, materials for each course are provided in the form of kits (komorebi kits). Starting from C1, gradually going up the steps to finish C8, finally you’d be qualified as an instructor of komorebi, Harajuku, Tokyo (kHT hereafter). if you finish C3, or C5, you could restart from the next steps even after a long interval.
With the instructor qualification, your field of activity would be broadened, for example, to sell your works or to have your own classes. You could carry on by yourself or kHT could offer supports as follows.
- About your classes: If you run the kHT course(C1~C8) using komorebi kits, your classes could be authorized kHT classes and those who finish C8 in your classes could be komorebi instructors. (komorebi kits are offered at special prices for instructors)
- About your works: Fine pieces of works could be introduced or sold at mizuhiki site run by kHT or could be displayed and sold at real shop of kHT. (kHT would receive handling charge, which is separately specified, from the amount sold)
New courses have 8 steps, 3 courses for bigginers, 2courses for intermidiate, 2courses for advanced, and Expert course.
With the instructor qualification, your field of activity would be broadened, for example, to sell your works or to have your own classes.
You could carry on by yourself or kHT could offer supports.
We will announce the courses’ schedule and the applications again later.
Workshop Instructor: Representative of komorebi, Harajuku, Tokyo
Certification & License:
ISGB member/ Curator’s Certificate/ 1st Grade of Art Certification/ National Guide Certificate/ Art/Curio Dealer
⇒ More info for C1, C2, C3 and each application.